Arranging Your Living Room Furniture for Comfort, Aesthetics and Fun!

When you’re decorating a living room, furniture placement is a critical decision. Most living rooms are multi-purpose – for chatting, relaxing, playing games, entertaining and watching TV. You want to make sure that you make the room user-friendly for all your activities when you plan your layout. Here are a few points to consider:

Find Your Focal Point. Red alert – it doesn’t have to be the TV! Your TV can take a secondary role in your space; a fireplace, large window with a view or even a substantial armoire can take centre stage.

Modular Sectional available at Stoney Creek Furniture

Modular Sectional available at Stoney Creek Furniture

Place Your Seats. Once you have a focal point, place your furniture around it. Two classic choices are:

  • Face-to-face arrangements where the sofa and accent chairs face one another and the focal point is centered at one end. Another chair is often placed directly opposite the focal point.
  • Side arrangements where the sofa faces the focal point and accent chairs are on either side of the sofa with the focal point to their side.

With both of these options, a second sofa, loveseat or chaise can take the role of the side chairs.

Leave the Walls! There’s no reason to anchor seating against the walls, especially if the room is sizable. Bring it forward and angle it to create interest and encourage conversation. Feng shui (see below) says the sofa should be against a wall for a sense of stability. Perhaps…but that still leaves ample opportunity to bring other seating inward!

Leather recliner available at Stoney Creek Furniture

Leather recliner available at Stoney Creek Furniture

Sufficient Space around the Coffee Table. My pet peeve is a living room layout that makes it impossible to come and go without hitting everyone’s knees, as though you’re at the movies! Be sure there’s at least 18 inches around the coffee table for every seat, but not too much space. You still need to reach your drinks and snacks!

Give Everyone a Surface. Every seat needs a place to rest a beverage, book or remote control. It can be the coffee table, side table, even an ottoman with a firm surface.

Ground Your Rugs. Rugs define a room and unify your furniture placement. A rug should tuck under the front legs of at least one chair. It actually makes the space look larger placed this way.

Available at Stoney Creek Furniture

Available at Stoney Creek Furniture

Feng Shui Your Space! Following feng shui principles can help you create a space that provides a sense of well being and harmony. Here are a few basic living room ideas to kick start your interest!

  • Energy flow is essential. Ensure that all pathways to and within the room are open and easy to navigate.
  • Eliminate clutter. It creates negative energy and blocks chi.
  • Add a family photo. A happy photo of all family members is recommended.
  • Place something you love in view as you enter the room. You’ll walk in feeling positive.
  • Add a mirror. Place it so that it reflects something affirming – a beautiful outside view or piece of art within the room.
  • Plants provide purification. They can be especially effective when placed near corners to prevent stagnant energy build-up.
  • Round coffee tables. You don’t want to point a sharp angle at anyone in the room. Round tables suggest equality and help energy circulate.
  • Light dark corners. Softly illuminate dark corners with lamps or candles. Throughout the space, keep light gentle.
  • Include earth, water, fire, wood and metal elements. For example, plants for earth, a small fountain or fishbowl for water, candles for fire, furniture for wood and photo frames for metal.

 Here’s hoping that you enjoy arranging your living room furniture just right – and have many happy moments in your redesigned space!

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